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Freestanding or Lean To – Which is the best Greenhouse Option?
Vincent A Rogers
A greenhouse is a terrific idea for adults and children alike. They can grow their own vegetables as well as flowers and terrific plants that are not able to be grown in some climates. The choice of the type of greenhouse to buy is basically one of two. The freestanding greenhouse is one type and a lean to greenhouse can be chosen as well.
The freestanding greenhouse is usually placed in an areas where light is the best. This type is easier to move than the lean to type. This type is also available in a wide variety of configurations from square to rectangular to octagonal. They will generally need to be heated at night, especially if they are larger because of the surface area that is exposed.
The lean to greenhouse does not have as much space as a freestanding type. They are usually placed against a house or another building and for this reason the electricity and water needed are easily accessible. The lean to greenhouse can be purchased with an expansion kit that will allow it to be added to for the extra space is desired.
If cost is a consideration the lean to greenhouse may be more practical since the need to run another power source is not necessary. In addition, the lean to type will not need a separate water source and this will save money on materials. There may be the need for adding a heating system as well, which is another expense. Since a lean to greenhouse is against another building, they are provided shade during the especially hot days of summer. The freestanding greenhouse is exposed to the elements at all times because it is in the open.
The freestanding greenhouse will also need to be anchored in the event of heavy winds. This will usually require long stakes that are used to keep it in place when winds become gusty. If the area is generally windy most of the time, additional stakes may be a good idea to help anchor the greenhouse. The lean to greenhouse should only need stakes on the side that is not against the building. This will help to keep it attached, but the building or home that it is built against will provide the most protection from wind.
When choosing either type of greenhouse, it is important that they have good drainage. A free standing greenhouse should not be near trees because this will increase the risk of damage from a falling limb or branches. Since the lean to greenhouse is located near the home, you are more likely to see the plants every time you leave your home. This has an added advantage of allowing you to see anything that needs attended to right away. Rather than making a special trip to the greenhouse, you will pass it each time you walk outside.
The advantages and disadvantages of both will help you decide which type of greenhouse that you will choose. If the major consideration is expense, a lean to greenhouse is the better value.
Vincent Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For quality Cedar
Vincent recommends Alton Greenhouses.
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Freestanding or Lean To – Which is the best Greenhouse Option?