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Submitted by: Adrianna Notton
It is always a delight to watch your children grow up and go through the different milestones in their lives. Sometimes, events happen too quickly that it is so overwhelming and difficult to catch up with. What better way to capture moments of your child growing up than through baby photography? Contrary to common belief, you do not need a professional photographer to come up with great looking shots. With these few helpful tips, any mother can be their own child’s personal photographer.
The very first thing that you should remember is that you can’t force your baby to pose. You can, however, plan the session when your baby is in a good mood. Typically, it would be an excellent time to take snap shots right after meals. There is a big possibility that you might be able to get that natural, fun-loving smile out of your child. It is also a good idea to shoot when you’re child is asleep. This will bring out a peaceful and angelic atmosphere to the photo.
It would be a good idea to get as many shots in as possible. This way, there are less chances that you will miss the perfect moment. Some cameras have a continuous mode which will automatically allow you to shoot constantly. Make sure, however, that when you are shooting, the shutter sound is not too loud because this can serve as a distraction for the baby.
When setting up the background, keep in mind that it is not advisable to put bright large stuffed toys in the set unless it is part of the concept. This may only serve as a distraction. Remember, your baby should be the center of attraction in the picture. Play around with blankets and pillows with complimenting colors and textures. This will help create the ambiance you have in mind.
When taking any type of portrait, avoid using flash. This will make the colors look more washed-out. Look for a place in the house where there is natural light. Play around with shadows to come up with softer and natural tones. You can also adjust your cameras ISO to capture more light in the lens. If you insist on using flash, make sure to bounce the light. Direct flash on your infants eyes can cause irritation and visual discomfort.
Allow the whole family to get involved in the experience. You can photograph your infant together with your husband to emphasize proportions. Also, it would be a great bonding idea for the family to enjoy.
When taking photos, try to forget all the rules. Allow yourself to be creative and to let loose. You can even shoot small elements such as your infants feet or a portion of their face. From there, you can widen your field until you eventually capture the whole body.
Wrapping up, baby photography is a fun and exciting hobby that all mothers should try. It will leave you with several memories to look back on. These photos can be compiled in many different creative ways for you and your family to enjoy together.
About the Author: When looking for a professional
Baby photography Oakville
or a
Wedding photographer Oakville
, make sure to look into the services provided by your local photographer
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