Keep your water cooler in top condition: 5 tips
Eden Springs
In a packed office a water dispenser will certainly get some good use – hydration is essential for productivity and there’s nothing better than an ice cold drink of water. But if you want to keep your water cooler performing to it’s best – providing clean, uncontaminated water – and avoid an unnecessary maintenance call out then follow these tips:
#1 Clean it yourself regularly Yes you may get a scheduled sanitisation and cleaning visit every month or so, but to keep you water cooler at its best you need to do your bit occasionally. Use a special cleaning kit provided by your water cooler supplier, containing a cleaning spray that doesn’t effect the water and machine and tools for cleaning those hard to reach areas. # Don’t bottle it up While filling up a water bottled for your desk might seem like a good idea, you’re actually more likely to transfer bacteria and viruses by refilling a bottle. The problem is people often put the bottle mouth against the water tap, transferring any bugs to the system and other users. You won’t be thanked for passing on a cold, so keep you distance (you can use a glass). # Don’t overflow you drip! The water cooler’s drip tray is prime for contamination, as often companies neglect to empty it and water can sit for some time. Plus, when it starts leaking onto the floor it’s assumed there’s a leak and a pointless maintenance visit is arranged. Avoid it by emptying and cleaning the drip tray regularly. # Locate your cooler bottle Water cooler bottles should be kept in clean, cool and dry surrounding out of sunlight. Light can degrade the bottle material and effect the water, while you should also keep the bottles off the floor to avoid the chance of contamination from liquids like cleaning fluids. # Do you have power? To get tasty cooled water you’ll need a power source for your cooler, so make sure you’re plugged in! It’s actually quite common for the cooler to be unplugged by cleaners without being plugged in, so your water is left far from its best. And you may even think the cooler is broken and request another maintenance visit – error! So always remember to check the plug first.
Eden Springs are the UK’s leading
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company, and have an unrivalled
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network with branches across England and Scotland. Eden Springs are now also offering
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for businesses.
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Keep your water cooler in top condition: 5 tips